RMS Word Express
Come and take a ride on the word express. Be sure to lay your pre conceived notions and attitudes to rest. Come in like a new born naked and undressed. Ready to stretch your mind boundless and fresh. Share your emotions, and please don’t suppress, come correct and be true unlike the rest.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
More Than
My sexiness and sensuality is deeper than the cloth i place on my back
These stereotypical visual aids are played out like an eight track
I can move mountains and create the unknown, but all you care about is what colours caress my crack
Redundancy is just another word for static dependency
A transition from material reliance to internal reality is something that men of this world can't seem to do
I am more than the soft supple shell that presents it self before you
I have a soul that transcends time and space
I have thoughts, feelings, emotions, intuition, and eyes that see beyond the flesh
But all you want to see is my body covered in mesh
I am more than a summer fling, and distant encounters
I am more than a needy girl seeking merely your attention
I am more than worthy of love beyond sex
I am more than worthy of maintaining the respect of others
I am worthy of more than what many can conceive, and I owe it to myself to get up and leave
Writing is probably the best way to purge some backed up junk in ones mind that often over flows in to the day to day functioning capacity.
So I shall return with intention of purging months of toxins that have been over flowing.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Parted Friends by James Montgomery
Friend after friend departs
who hath not lost a friend?
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an end
Were this frail world our only rest,
Living or dying, none were blest.
Beyond the flight of time,
Beyond this vale of death,
There surely is some blessed clime
Where life is not a breath
Nor life's affections transient fire
Whose sparks fly upward to expire
There is a world above
Where parting is unknown
A whole eternity of love
Formed for the good alone
And faith beholds the dying here
Translated to that happier sphere.
Thus star by star declines,
Till all are passed away
As morning high and higher shines
To pure and perfect day
Nor sink those stars in empty night
They hide themselves in heaven's own light.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Sax Man
Jazz Man won’t you play me a song?
Take me to the depths of B flat minor,
Away in the trees
Lead me to a valley,
Where your sound is like sweet honey bees
Where the earth and your song,
Can rupture age old wrongs
Jazz Man, Jazz Man, please play me a song
Take me on a ride, on your electric melodic slide
Where the fusion is so deep,
Hell can not sleep
Where the hills are so steep,
I’m forced to fly
Jazz Man, Jazz Man, please play me a song
Let your sax bend
And break all the trends
Away with the conformity
I just want you to rise up a storm in me
Unleashing the fires and longed for desires
Jazz Man, Jazz Man, please play me a song
Cause this worlds getting cold,
And I need your heat to string me along
Jaz Man, Jazz Man, Please play me your song
Friday, December 08, 2006
Ms. Lou
We’ve come from strong
And have forgotten what has gone
What has gone on before we sprouted
From our mothers womb
Ms. Lou
So beautiful and true
Many should and will pay respects to you
For you gave us a voice
And a ground to stand
Many of us today owe our fame to you
Our young are distressed
Speaking of words that utterly degrades women like you
A “ho” and a “bitch” is what they will say
Not knowing that you were the woman who paved the way
Your spirit was as old as mother
But your mind was of the future
Of the tomorrow that only God knows
So to you I shall thank when I stand before the world
Telling them I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for women like Ms. Lou
Distant Valentine
In dreams we shall meet
At the midnight hour
Before I close my eyes each night
And after I lay my head to rest
I see your smile and all is well in my world
My eyes fall shut
While my mind wonders in search of you
Transcending through realms rising form earth to heaven
From where you fell
There you are at the midnight hour
My angel from above
Wings spread wider than two turtle doves
I kiss your lips and feel your love
Miles away and hours apart
Will never keep your out of my heart
In dreams we shall meet
At the midnight hour
My valentine
My love
I am
Therefore He is
They are
We are
Divine creations
Traveling to various destinations
Eventually congregating
Resuming the form of one
One love
One dream
One theme
Many streams
One ocean
But only with purity and devotion will we ever reach
Peace within
Tranquility above
Appreciation for another
Loving every brother and sister
With a simple smile, and a daily embrace
We can conquer all trials
And demolish all tribulations and stipulations
Many will strike
Provoke you to fight
Castrate your thoughts
And swear you can be bought
If you choose to walk in the light
And remember what you were taught
Then One, we will become
And rise to the top
The Piano and Me
At the tender age of four
My heart raced for a young boy
Who sealed my cheek with its first kiss
And led me to a beautiful valley of sound
Day after day he would play simple songs, to please my ears
Not know the love he conjured up
Until one day he played a few notes
Up until this day those notes have been lost to me
For he created a sound much greater than thee
The sound resonated in my ear drum
Struck a chord in my heart
And opened up a window to my soul
For a moment my heart skipped two beats
A relationship that would forever grow old with me
A love that was destined to be
At the tender age of four
I met my love
The piano and me
my man.....
My man
Penetrates my
Deep down in my
Mm like no other makes my
And then I fall to pieces
He opens up my
Leaving me begging for more
For my man is in tune
With my every thought and desire
Mmm how I admire his
Late at night and when the early morning comes
I know there is no better lover than, the one I confide and let go inside my
My man
Penetrates my
Deep down in my
Grinding attentively
While getting me open like no other
Mmm like no other makes my
Damn my gates just open wide
While he enters me
He always respects my…
Sensitive side and understands that
Sometimes I may just close my eyes and cry
My man
Penetrates my
Deep down in my
With his head he…mmmm
Makes me want to
My man
Blows my
While he penetrates my
Deep down in my
Mmm M.I.N.D
While caressing my cerebral cortex
He doesn’t need latex
Because he respects, loves and penetrates my mind
Because my man knows
There is more to me than my P.U.S.S.Y
You see while other men were trying to lay between my legs
Singing and dancing as they beg
My man opened up his third eye and game me some head
Because he recognizes that a real woman’s worth isn’t found between her breast
Or when her hair is pressed
It’s deep in her mind
Hidden because that is her best
Friday, September 29, 2006
Until we are free…
Our heads will forever be filled with Lye
The illusions of truth that burn our scalps
But the pain doesn’t make us stand up and listen
It’s the colonial condition
Illiterate rhymes, samples, re-recorded, regurgitated and never educating
The young as to where this music came
But until we are free…
Things will always BE..B.E.T
The same
Brothers professing, consumed by who got game
Women in tuned with hair do’s and fame
While our children are educated by societies diluted medium
That forever makes us walk blind with shame
But until we are free…
We will continue to drive…
Drive into concrete walls
With our escalades on 22”s
With our closets filled with thousands of shoes
While we blame every man, woman, child and Jew
The truth is we have the power to choose…
Choose the road that our children can walk on with pride
Where we can lift our heads up high
A road that we can truly say that we’ve tried
A road depicting success and freedom at no mans expense
But until we are free…
We will forever deny…
Deny ourselves of the Royalty we are
The knowledge, wisdom, and strength that resides inside
But if we never try to live…
The extensions of oppression
and begin to pay attention
Then until we are free…
We will forever be…
Pretentious, unconscious, mediocre slaves
Ruled by self indoctrinated oppression!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
broken dreams
Broken dreams
Forgotten hopes
As I walk alone
The bricks crumble from beneath my feet
‘cause all I see is a tattered and torn street
Filled with another mans beat
As the Rasta fills the Man’s lungs with trees
They drive away mocking his accent with defeat
Brazilian Queen pours a wondrous song from her soul
As they watch her smoking another bowl
They all laugh and stare
Commenting on her hair
Some clenching their purses with fear
As they run back to their golden leers
Sadness devours my heart
Broken dreams
Forgotten hopes
As I walk alone
Contemplating, with a hesitant groan of a stranger behind me
I finally decided to take my tears home
But as I turned around to take one more look
Men of broken dreams
Woman of forgotten hope
Disappear right before my eyes
Straight into thin air
And there I was left to glare
Questioning were they ever really thereten tears
My heart cries in the midnight hours
Mind wilts looking back at the lifeless flowers
And when these autumn leaves start to shower
I release a painful ocean
From my eyes unto the world
Beautiful beings
Sensual encounters
Still as I walk down crowded streets
Where the pavement and the concrete jungle are the only thing that beat
My eyes light up when familiar faces create an image of you
But my heart forever drops when you’re never there
And before it begun I knew it was over
But I cant help but wish we could start over
The old you and the true me
But deep down I know that this existence could not hold us….
Together again
So I write these last words of you in hopes that I can free
My mind, body, and soul of you
Some days your number is still at my finger tips
And moments of passion still reside on my lips
Never forgetting your grip on my hips
But reality states that you left five months short of a year
And here I am still shedding ten tears
- for the love longed for from you
- for the love that I truly believed was true
- for my soul that you once set free
- for the dreams that could never be
- for the fear that love may defeat my very being
- for the pain that I still retain
- for every man waiting to love me, that I still compare to you
- for my stupidity of denying my sight in hopes of bringing me nearer to you
- for the woman that will set your soul free
- for loving like a foul, loving a man, who doesn’t truly love you
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
could you be my love?
Could you be the man I longed to love?
Could you be the second turtle dove?
In quiet moments when I stare in to your eyes I find glimpses of me
From across the room I can hear your thoughts
You speak to me without words from your mouth
At times I truly wonder if you know what this is all about
You love a woman for who she is
Not the superficial pleasures she can bring
You love the short afro with tight curls
Sometimes you may think of lacing a women’s foot in pearls
But that’s because real Kings always treat their woman like a Queen
You can articulate the past
And refuse to be struck by
You speak the truth
And from day I knew you were proof,
That real men exist
And manifest their thoughts on more than bliss
Could you be that man to bless my lips with an everlasting kiss
Show me that there is more to life than T. H. I. S…this
To walk down the street hand in hand
Observe the sunset with our feet engulfed in sand
Let me tell the world that you are my man
Could you be that man to help God you and I bring new life into this world
Love me until the sun goes down
Smile even when you’re mad, because only my kiss could remove your frown
Could you be that man to love me even if I gain a few pounds?
To let me love you and give you all I have to give
And never run from the oath we made to commit
Commit our lives to being true to one another
When I look at you I see the man God created for me
Could you be that man?
Will you be that man?
Cause I see that man
Come forth and take my hand
dancing in the dark
Dancing in the dark
Alone in an oblivious park
Stepping to the sound of the cool breeze
Swaying my hips along side the lonesome leaves
And as I close my eyes, inhale and breathe
I dare not remind myself that I stand alone amongst the trees
For the stars have put on a show for me
And I dare not give them the impression that I am not pleased
Stepping to the sound of the street
Snapping my fingers to my own beat
Entrenched in rhythm
Beats so deep they become as wondrous as a prism
The street lights light up the walk way
Encouraging me enticing me to lengthen my sway
Soon night will turn to day
And I’ll think to myself I may just have over done my stay
For the world awaits and many faces despise the way I play
So for now I will continue to dance in the dark
Until the world is ready to light up my parkunseen love
Born to breath
Born to please
Born to set souls free
But as I walk down this path
I can’t help but stop and see
That you were made for me
These words may only see this paper
And my feelings may only reach as far as the door
And when we meet again you may only stumble upon my smile
Without sight of the many miles you have already traveled along side me in my thoughts
In my mind we have traveled and conqured many seas
But in reality my love is simply a dying breed
And each day my words go un spoken
My heart grows impatient
Ripping my soul at the seams
Hoping that one day my heart will be caressed by thee
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sapphire man
My loving black man
My entity of love
I need you
I love you
And respect you
Sapphire man
Sapphire love
Strong and deep as our roots that lay in Africa
Pushing his passion, through his artistic love
Creations inspired by only heaven above
As dark as the depths of the ocean
As light as the morning sun light
My Sapphire man
You are more than any afternoon delight
The love that flows through you unto the world
Your soul is precious
Encased in a rugged shell like as if you were a pearl
Beauty inside waiting to be released
Your masculinity is desirable, subtle yet nurturing
Your presence is warmth and never perverse
Your brown eyes, take me to the depths of the earth
Into the future exploring the possibility of new birth
Your intensity is inherent to me
Although Sapphires at times are found blue
You are the rear black sapphire that resembles the truth
My Sapphire man
Friday, August 18, 2006
The word
The word is love and power
The word has strength of its own
Many people sought after
But few find the key
Many are beholders on the surface
But few ever look beneath
How could we say love and deny
The power behind each letter
The formation the presence that is created when each letter is together
Here he was
Now is lost
But soon to be reclaimed
By the Lords child who will bare his cross
Monday, July 24, 2006
natures hand
Butterfly, butter fly
Do you ever cry?
Do you ever stop and weep?
Tender sky, tender sky
Hints of pink, subtle greys with a heavenly blaze
Do you ever stop to gaze?
Evergreens, for all trees are forever green
Do you ever stop and sigh?
Do you ever gain a jealous eye?
At the birds that fly or the waters that flow?
Water blue, water green, crisp and clean
Do you ever wish you could just stop and dream?
Negate your flow and just stop and blow?
Drifting winds, drifting wind
Oh when you howl we know when the time comes you’re never a coward
But do you ever wish to stand in silence?
To brush a cheek without a peep?
For I doubt if they all could speak
Speak to you or I that is
They’d never dream of conquering or wearing another hand
Because they recognize their purpose in the great picture of this land
Our mothers land, her nurturing hand, her face that should never be smacked by man’s hand
So why do we continue to turn her cheeks purple and blue?
Think deep the answer is with in you
From a far
Across the room vibrations exchange
Pleasantries are clear genuine indications
Moments lost in manifestations
Wonder why? Who? When?
Could this be a passing phase?
Or is it an ever lasting gaze?
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Step By Step
Step by step
I am cutting the fences down
Pulling at my garments leaving me with a tattered gown
Step by step
Slither by slither
They sneak upon my path with out making a sound
One more to the pile, may all enemies lay in a mound
A live to contrive amongst on another
Lord knows they stick close, befriending even a brother
Step by step
Lighting up my journey
For the spirit walks before man
Substandard plans one thought were written in quick sand
Unseen to thy eyes
Wishful thinking, brought forth are those who connive
Step by step
Sweeping up the skin that sheds
For those tiny morsels are used to get in your head
1 step, 2 step, 3 step dance
Fools eyes are never hidden
Not even in a glance
Gone Like The Wind
Gone like the winds
Disappeared into the thin
Brushed by my cheek
Wouldn’t even stick around to give me a peep
Gone like the garbage lost in a heep
Like you dropped your wedding band down the drain
Instantly your heart drops and you can’t refrain from feeling pain
Gone with your love
Flew away like two turtle doves
Keep your silence and just stay away
Can’t even handle seeing you, even if it was at a distance on a far off bay
Gone like the wind
Went out like a rattling tin
Out with a cold echoing noise
Couldn’t even do it to my face with some poise
Gone like the wind
Now ain’t that a sin
Gone like the wind
Along with many men
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Herbie Hancock
The fusion I hear
When jazz is in the air
Not a damn word appears
Orgasmic to my ears
Men playing along their souls with out fear
Percussion, saxophones, piano oh lord I think that was a tear
Tearing of my skin trying to let this music in
This wondrous compilation
Ridding of all frustration
Believe it or not my spirit is trying to go into manifestation
True music moves mountains, and sets your soul free.
Is there that man?

Is there that man
Im not sure if I believe anymore
Not sure if the intuitive lover exists anymore
Not sure if consistency, reciprocity, real love. Does it exist? Mere contemplation makes me want to draw a fist.
Love making from the inside out
Deep thoughts transcending in silences
Someone who Id wear no robe of secrecy with
The only earthly being I could confide in
Romancing one another spiritually
Glances filled with rich lyrical symphonies
Could there be that man
To love me for me
In quiet moments when I look into his eyes Id see reflections of me
For we would be one in the same
Yet different bodies wed claim
Could there be that man
Ready to show me his love dance
Caress my body and thoughts while in his man stance
Penetrate deep down in my soul
While creating oceans that my panties could not hold
Could there be that man
Who knows unconditional love is a possibility, and chooses to exercise it with me
All trials and tribulations wed encounter were just meant to strengthen our bond
Because he knows the essence of dreams to fruition starts with, I can
Could there be that man
Who shows me his tears
Lets me in on his fears
Mentally strong yet emotionally tender
When he thinks of me his first thoughts arent how could I bend her?
Could there be that man
Who knows perms and extensions arent natural
Long hair fake nails dont matter
That they are all representations of lack of self love imposed by the oppressor
Whos willing to see the beauty in his woman if she chooses to throw away the press and curl
And maybe shave her head or grow some dreads or wear her natural curls
Could there be that man
That knows his and her bodies are temples encasing the soul
Stepping out of the relationship is not a manly goal
Its just contamination of the soul
Thats deteriorating the whole
Faithful and true because he knows it doesnt take a day to realize that the sun is shining
Yet realizes that true love isnt always knocking at his door
Its usually loves imposter Lust that is breaking down his door
Telling him he needs to score
Enticing him to bust and slam every woman to the floor
Could there be that man?
Do you see that man?
An ideal is not what I just explored
Its what separates real men from being societys common corner whores
Just want to be

So I plug into myself
Listen to my own tunes
Create my own rhythm
Dance to my own beat
Fighting to avoid the shame that comes with defeat
Preaching to me a mile a minute
How I should be, how I should live in it
From the time I open my eyes in the morning
To the moment I close them again at night
Im fed smokes screens and mirrors, fragile like glasses
Empty and drone like they want me to be like the masses
Ghetto superstar, or chocolate skin with pretentious blonde extensions
This is what they forget to mention
When they gather us all to participate
And become brainwashed in at their universal conventions
Fighting temptation and just trying to be
What do they call it
I think it was
(words on my back in poster)